Something we’re really excited for is all of the upcoming products that enhance and improve upon your Injector experience and the Hempwick Wrap Enail Handle from Cannabis Hardware adds a modern look to your device, presents a very practical application and the Handle has a quick and painless assembly procedure.
With an aluminum base and Hempwick Wrapped Handle, it is easier to manipulate and control your Injector, a boon for people with mobility issues. We love how the handle keeps your hand away from the heat and the natural Hempwick is a gorgeous and fitting material for the wrap.
The Hempwick Wrap Enail Handle is a cool way to class up the place while offering safety, a worthwhile upgrade if you’re dropping thick cash on a high-end system. Once you go Handle, you’ll never go back.
Something we’re really excited for is all of the upcoming products that enhance and improve upon your Injector experience and the Hempwick Wrap Enail Handle from Cannabis Hardware adds a modern look to your device, presents a very practical application and the Handle has a quick and painless assembly procedure.
With an aluminum base and Hempwick Wrapped Handle, it is easier to manipulate and control your Injector, a boon for people with mobility issues. We love how the handle keeps your hand away from the heat and the natural Hempwick is a gorgeous and fitting material for the wrap.
The Hempwick Wrap Enail Handle is a cool way to class up the place while offering safety, a worthwhile upgrade if you’re dropping thick cash on a high-end system. Once you go Handle, you’ll never go back.