The Arizer Solo 2 is a solid, user-friendly portable dry herb vaporizer, needing very little maintenance for years of trouble-free operation.
A Terrific Device Gets an Upgrade in the Arizer Solo 2
The Arizer Solo 2 follows up on the legendary Solo, which established Arizer as a serious player in the portable vaporizer market. The Solo 2 has improved on its predecessor in every way possible: smaller form, better battery, upgraded screen interface, better vapour, and faster heat up. It’s still large for a portable vape, but the new shape and size makes it much easier to pocket or hold.
Efficient and Affordable
The Arizer Solo 2 is a session style vape using primarily convection heating with some conduction. It also features an air path that’s isolated from any electronics. It’s one of the most user-friendly vaporizers out there while still offering considerable output. If you want a portable vape that's built like a tank but handles like a BMW, the Solo 2 is a great buy.
Arizer Solo II Vaporizer, Owner’s manual, Power adapter, 90 mm glass aroma tube, 110 mm glass aroma tube, Glass aroma dish, Belt-clip carry case, Silicone stem caps, Stainless steel stirring tool, Stainless steel screens, Sample of aromatic botanicals
A Terrific Device Gets an Upgrade in the Arizer Solo 2
The Arizer Solo 2 follows up on the legendary Solo, which established Arizer as a serious player in the portable vaporizer market. The Solo 2 has improved on its predecessor in every way possible: smaller form, better battery, upgraded screen interface, better vapour, and faster heat up. It’s still large for a portable vape, but the new shape and size makes it much easier to pocket or hold.
Efficient and Affordable
The Arizer Solo 2 is a session style vape using primarily convection heating with some conduction. It also features an air path that’s isolated from any electronics. It’s one of the most user-friendly vaporizers out there while still offering considerable output. If you want a portable vape that's built like a tank but handles like a BMW, the Solo 2 is a great buy.